There is a first time for everything!

Good morning!  This is the first day of my first blog.  I am currently feeding my one year old, feeding myself and telling my 3 year old to eat her oatmeal while setting up my blog 🙂 oh yeah and my hubby is on speaker phone!  This morning I already have had to clean up 1 blow out diaper, 1 hershy squirt panty mess, and the oatmeal that has boiled over in the microwave… thank God for prayer and knowing that I am not in this alone and Jesus will help me along my crazy Monday morning!!  and Yes, I am STILL in my robe!!

This blog is for moms, people who love sewing but don’t have enough time to fit it in, people who want to sew and have yet started and people like me! Moms who love to sew and WILL find a way to sew during the chaos of kids, cooking, cleaning and loving on their family at the same time!!

I hope you all have a wonderful Monday!

About lovegracemercy

You should know this is my very first blog and I have no idea what I am doing- so this should be interesting :) So now I am supposed to tell you about myself: First and foremost, I love Jesus and I am blessed to be a child of God. I am also a wife, to a godly, handsome and wonderful man. I have two beautiful children, Clover Grace and Valor Grey that I am blessed to stay at home with. I am unique in my fashion and in what I sew and design. I absolutely love little children vintage designs. Color, lace, cotton and knits are what you will find in my sewing closet (that I have to share with the family jackets and umbrellas). I have been sewing for many, many years...even though I am only 30. I was blessed to have my beautiful, abnegation mother teach me how to sew. My first project was a peasant blouse, ( that I still have in my closet) from a Vogue pattern. Since then, I have made several duvet covers, pillows, valances, pillowcases, dresses, baby bumpers, bedskirts, bloomers, pantaloons, mens dress shirts, pants, shirts, pretty much everything!! Although there is so much more to share, I am sure you are bored with reading the "about yourself" section on my blog. I hope to post some new designs, old designs, instructions on how to sew with out patterns and step by step with pictures on current projects.

8 responses »

  1. Love that you have a blog!!! I secretly wish I could sew and look forward to your posts. You are one talented multitasking mama!!

  2. Thanks Krishann!! I was so excited to see that I got a comment 🙂 I hope you like my posts!! XO

  3. You are adorable. I used to love sewing before my life got uber-chaotic. I actually recently bought a new sewing machine, so maybe this will inspire me to bust it out! Love that you have joined the blog world.

  4. Sounds like my morning!
    Keep on blogging! Muah.

  5. Emily, this blog is so exciting. I look forward to seeing what you create.

    I’m not sure if you remember, but my Mom was the least creative person on earth, she didn’t even know how to do my hair! I was always so in awe of the things your Mom could create. In fact, I still have the blue poodle skirt she made for us in 4th grade.

    My goal was to be able to create things for my kids and with my kids. My folks got me an awesome sewing machine for Christmas this year – unfortunately, I have yet to take it out of the box. Life kind of got in the way. Thankfully, we’ve dubbed one of our new bedrooms the sewing room. I look forward to sewing lessons this spring.

    I promise to come back to your blog often to share in your success and gain from your experiences!

    • Cindy! I totally remember our poodle skirts!! I think my mom has a picture of us in them in one of her photo albums 🙂 We were so cute- you are so blessed to be able to have a sewing room!!! I wish I had one, because my stuff is constantly all over the house and the kids get into the pins and the scissors and it is a serious hazard if I am not too careful 😉 Well, I too am excited for this blog and super excited to see what creations you are going to come up with. Miss you and BTW you look AMAZING!! I am going to follow your blog right now! XOXO


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